SERVICE INFORMATION TIS verifies and tests inspectors then are available to support your In-Service Inspection needs within the refining, petrochemical, oil and gas, and [...]
Technical Auditing
admin2021-12-21T15:44:52+07:00SERVICE INFORMATION Technical Audit is an audit performed by an auditor, engineer or subject-matter expert evaluates deficiencies or areas of improvement in a process, [...]
admin2021-12-21T15:19:45+07:00SERVICE INFORMATION API has specific standards for construction and repairs of piping, vessels, tanks and their appurtenances. These standards provide the best construction and [...]
Third Party Inspection Services
admin2021-12-21T15:17:08+07:00SERVICE INFORMATION Our business organization complying with the ISO 17020 standard, have been certified by Third party inspection or “Category A” is the most [...]
QA/ QC Services
admin2021-12-21T15:16:22+07:00SERVICE INFORMATION Quality assurance and quality control services (QA / QC Services) help you ensure compliance with all contractual specifications, mandatory regulations, and quality [...]
Quality Expediting/Control Coordinator
admin2021-12-21T15:14:51+07:00SERVICE INFORMATION The vast and long of project consist of high technical and requirement to ask about the Quality Control Coordinator discipline, the QCC [...]
NDT Conventional & Advanced Services
admin2021-12-21T15:04:52+07:00SERVICE INFORMATION The field of non-destructive testing (NDT) comprises a vast array of analytical techniques that are applicable to a wide range of industries. [...]
Coating Inspection Services
admin2021-12-21T15:03:33+07:00SERVICE INFORMATION We TIS bring on awareness about and provide services in the field of protective coating inspection in Viet Nam. Target to be [...]
Welding Qualification and Certification
admin2021-12-21T15:01:30+07:00SERVICE INFORMATION Welding is a modern manufacturing process that joins two or more materials. Just joining the two members is not enough to withstand [...]
ASME/ISO/EN Certification & Accreditation Consultant
admin2021-12-21T14:58:10+07:00SERVICE INFORMATION Today, ISO 9001 certifications have become standard for company suppliers as verification of internationally standardized qualification. An ISO 9001 certification enables companies [...]